Victor = Prestige + Power?

FullSizeRender-1According to Sally Hogshead‘s The Fascination Advantage Assessment, my archetype is The Victor. The three adjectives that describe how the world sees me are respected, competitive and results-oriented. Nevertheless, my dormant advantage is mystique, which means I can’t hide my emotions or opinions. It’s true. I am not a good emotion-controller and always speak out what I am thinking about. As for my advantages, it makes sense too-so obvious. But does it mean that I should develop my advantages and suppress my disadvantages in front of others if I want to fascinate them? I don’t think so.

Sally Hogshead has done a good job!

There is no doubt that from the TED talk to the website, Sally has done a really good job as a marketing professional. Both her contents and herself are appealing and convincing. Her TED talk is well elaborated from the beginning to the last. Her website is very professional and all the results are designed to be popped out step by step, along with her own recorded videos advocating people to explore more information by registering courses provided by herself. Today, two days after I first did the test, I have received another email from her about the new discovery of my archetype in her new book.

However, humanity is not that simple…

Based on Sally’s theory, there are 7 triggers for people to use as instruments to earn the attention with different responses. The first trigger and the second trigger you use most without realizing them are the ones you should utilize to gain fascination and add value, playing a role as a personal brand, influencing and impressing others.

FullSizeRender2.jpgHowever, the humanity is very complex and inconstant. It’s a little ill-considered to classify all the characters into dozens of archetypes and come up with suggestions to each archetype about how to attract others. In fact, Sally has considered about it because I saw the pie chart in my test result. Actually for me, I do not have a high percentage of one advantage. The percentage of each trigger is comparatively even. I believe that others may have the similar situation with me-then it would be risky if we focus on enhancing the advantages through communications all the time since we may miss some valuable opportunities by always expressing and showing ourselves in one way.

There is no rule for fascination.

Like Sally said in her TED talk, the world is changing fast, so as the people. Nowadays we are encountered with more and more distractions than ever before so the way to engage people is changing all the time. If fascination really has a rule, then everyone might have known the rule so the rule is no longer useful anymore. As for me, I don’t think mystique is the one that prevent me from making progress and momentum. In fact, many people said when they first saw me, the mysterious flavor from me drew their attentions a lot… Although they would find that I am not an unfathomable person at all afterwards haha~ But it really has happened in several seconds… which means it caters to people’s attention spans today. What’s more, I barely show my prestige or power to others when we first meet. Passion may be the factor that engages people most after communicating with me for a while. However it’s not my primary advantage nor my secondary advantage according to the result of the assessment.FullSizeRender-5

But fascination itself is the rule.

To fascinate others we need to know ourselves well. It’s the first step and Sally has told us something about ourselves. But the next thing is that the world is changing so fast and the people around you are always from different communities with different backgrounds. So we are supposed to inspect the various environments and “judge” the potential targeted persons. The last thing is to take actions after analyzing the current situation and your position in the group. How could I use my prestige and power when I am corresponding to strangers in an unfamiliar area for me with the desire to persuade them? It’s kind of ridiculous and I would never, ever do that.

One sentence. Adapt to the circumstances and customize tactics for each occasion to boost appeal!


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