Five Tips To Remember Before Tapping On Digital Marketing

Before starting to do something related so digital marketing, you should notice some tips that may aid you to have a general understanding of it. Digital marketing is an emerging tool for marketers but it would be much better if you are careful about how it works and pay attention to avoid making some mistakes.

1.There Is No Digital Strategy, Just Strategy In A Digital World.

There are no rules as everything is changing so fast. Nevertheless you still need to consider about the following things. First, think about your target customers’ persona and how does that translate online. Second, what problems they have and how would you help them solve the problems (motivate them to take the action) online. Lastly, the reasons why you are valuable and you need to know where to reach your customers online as well. And it’s interesting to find that many procedures here are circular instead of being linear. So it’s normal that we never stop modifying anything after analyzing the results and it seems that there is no end here.


2. Content Is Fire, And Social Media Is Gasoline.

Yes, content is the KING and social media drives the most engagement across your marketing mix. So it’s not a smart move for you to just hire some unexperienced interns to handle with your social media platforms – social strategy is playing a critical role in your overall digital strategies, so you are supposed to invest much manpower and material resources into it. After brainstorming ideas, an editorial calendar targeting 3~5 topics should be created to guarantee the efficiency. What’s more, there are many forms of paid media embedded in the social media platforms and they are very effective and measurable. You can regard SEO as content marketing, too – you are optimizing online content.


3. More Searches Take Place On Mobile Devices Than Desktops.

Therefore, keeping enhancing the user experience on mobiles is very important. You can know whether your website is mobile friendly by going to Google Mobile-Friendly Test and entering your web page URL. Nowadays, it’s getting more and more difficult for marketers to decide the attributions for each campaign – customers may search the products on their mobile phones first and make the payments on their laptops afterwards. In fact, it’s said that 93% of people who used mobile to research go on to make a purchase. As a result, you should be aware of your RANKING on the Google search engine results pages both on the mobile devices and desktops – there are two bidding systems.


4. Different Trends In Different Countries.

Although technically speaking the trends are global, the popularity degree of each trend is slightly different in different countries. For example, in Asian countries, the QR code is much more popular than it is in western countries. Similarly, email marketing is almost useless in countries like China but it’s still the most effective marketing tactic in America. There are some other intriguing high-tech trends for marketing including augmented/virtual reality and wearable devices that you’re expected to savvy.


5. Big Data Can’t Tell You Everything.

It’s hard for you to track EVERYTHING on the internet (like the dark social part) and it’s easy for you to get overwhelmed by the tons of information you have collected. Big data is both art and science – how would you interpret the data and show the conclusions matters much more. For marketers, measure what matters most. Focusing on the right metrics and attributing the value across the journey will prove the impact of our marketing and tell the effect of our investments. To measure KPI (Key Performance Indicators) with measurement tools, the first thing is to determine your marketing objective and the marketing channels. Another thing is concerning on the “whales” more when you are doing customer-centric measurement, the segments of your customers who completed high-value purchases. Find them and retain more then. Last but not least, never forget that the aim of digital measurement is to understand and optimize the contributions that digital activities make to the desired business.

Big Data

big data in the digital marketing era

In recent years, big data has been a hot issue in the whole world and it seems that this trend won’t hit the wall in the following years. As for marketers, big data is playing a more and more important role when they are enacting marketing strategies.

What is big data?

Education is the most powerful weaponwhich you can use to change the world.

Big data refers to the ever-increasing volume, velocity, variety, variability and complexity of information. For marketing organizations, big data is the fundamental consequence of the new marketing landscape, born from the digital world we now live in. The benefits brought by big data to a company are influenced by the compatibility as well.

What can we do with big data?

Big data can tell us much information about customers even beyond our imagination. But there are some limitations and we can’t trust every bit of data we get due to the low efficiency and accuracy of the data processing. Sometimes it could be confusing even misleading. It’s said that less than 10% of companies get to use the data they have collected effectively. Therefore, it’s not easy to deal with a large amount of numbers in the right way and get what exactly we want.

Is data itself enough?

We can make future marketing decisions based on past behavior the data provides but hold the fact that data alone is not enough. For now, visualizing data derived from big data is very welcomed. Marketers tend to conduct analysis of the market on the basis of the data they “see” intuitively. However, in my opinion, there are still two other critical points when it comes to new campaigns. First is the timeliness. Second is the creativity. I don’t think it’s possible for big data to give us adequate advice about these two facets. Of course, forecasting the trends is one vital mission of big data, nevertheless expecting the breaking news in the future is not what big data is good at. Marketers always need to make good marketing plans catering to the current affairs, especially the ones that happen out of people’s expectations to attain the optimal effects. There is no doubt that “out of expectations” means they are unpredictable for any analysis tools we have, including big data. Furthermore, perhaps big data can tap on human nature and tell you some conclusions drew from the behavior analysis but it can’t teach you how to fascinate your customers by what kinds of creative methods. You still demand some knowledge that big data may not tell you now.
